Rua Professor Teobaldo Leonardo Kletemberg, 120 - Cidade Industrial - Curitiba PR
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Realclin Odontologia
Avenida República Argentina, 357 - Água Verde - Curitiba PR
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Rua Gutemberg, 23 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Podológica Clínica de Podologia
Rua Quinze de Novembro, 270 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Supermercado Fenix
Rua João Dembinski, 1530 - Cidade Industrial - Curitiba PR
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Rua Professor Pedro Viriato P. Souza, 600 - Curitiba PR
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The North Face
Rua Professor Pedro Viriato P. Souza, 600 - Curitiba PR
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La Loire
Avenida Cândido de Abreu, 127 - Centro Cívico - Curitiba PR
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Passion Du Chocolat
Rua Professor Pedro Viriato P. Souza, 600 - Curitiba PR
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Hotel Deville Rayon
Rua Visconde de Nacar, 1424 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Instituto da Criança
Avenida República Argentina, 2964 - Portão - Curitiba PR
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Hospital Nossa Senhora do Pilar
Avenida Desembargador Hugo Simas, 322 - Bom Retiro - Curitiba PR
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Rua Professor Pedro Viriato P. Souza, 600 - Campina do Siqueira - Curitiba PR
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Instituto Forlanini
Rua Pedro Ivo, 318 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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DSX CFTV - Câmeras de Segurança
Avenida Comendador Franco, 6824 - Uberaba - Curitiba PR
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GT Force
Rua Doutor Constante Coelho, 593 - Jardim das Américas - Curitiba PR
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AValenthina Calçados e Acessórios
Avenida Manoel Ribas, 5824 - Santa Felicidade - Curitiba PR
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Rua Lindolfo Pessoa, 289 - Seminário - Curitiba PR
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Agm Com e Representações de Resinas
Rua Doutor Eduardo Mendes Gonçalves, 426 - Bairro Alto - Curitiba PR
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Hotel San Juan Executive
Avenida Sete de Setembro, 2516 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Hotel Aladdin
Rua Lourenço Pinto, 440 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Santo Antonio Sistemas de Segurança
Avenida Frederico Lambertucci, 13 - Fazendinha - Curitiba PR
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Tok & Stok
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 2300 - Curitiba PR
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Restaurante Dom Antonio
Avenida Manoel Ribas, 6121 - Santa Felicidade - Curitiba PR
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Josèphine Boutique Sensual
Rua Júlia Wanderley, 678
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Teatro Chloris Casagrande Justen
Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 1717 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Coral Gables
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 2300 - Curitiba PR
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Silvia Doring
Rua Professor Pedro Viriato P. Souza, 600 - Curitiba PR
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Provisão Atendimentos Terapêuticos
Rua Doutor Goulin, 1055 - Juvevê - Curitiba PR
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Costura do Futuro
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 2300 - Curitiba PR
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Dress To
Rua Professor Pedro Viriato P. Souza, 600 - Curitiba PR
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Meu Kilinho Restaurante
Rua Doutor Goulin, 1344 - Juvevê - Curitiba PR
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Kevingston House
Rua Professor Pedro Viriato P. Souza, 600 - Curitiba PR
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DPR - Lee
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 2300 - Curitiba PR
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Clínica Adventista Curitiba
Alameda Julia da Costa, 1447 - Bigorrilho - Curitiba PR
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Fundição Filomena
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 2300 - Curitiba PR
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Gil Tabacaria
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 2300 - Curitiba PR
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Home & Cook
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 2300 - Curitiba PR
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Pro Life Suplementos e Vitaminas
Avenida Sete de Setembro, 2775 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Magic Feet
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 2300 - Curitiba PR
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Clínica São João Batista
Rua João Falarz, 1086 - Orleans - Curitiba PR
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Palmier Restaurante
Alameda Princesa Izabel, 1664 - Bigorrilho - Curitiba PR
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Supermercado Beal S/a
Rua Major Fabriciano do Rego Barros, 800 - Hauer - Curitiba PR
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Curitiba PR
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Digital School
Rua Doutor Luiz Losso Filho, 870 - Novo Mundo - Curitiba PR
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Restaurante Kan
Avenida Presidente Getúlio Vargas, 3121 - Água Verde - Curitiba PR
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Restaurante Le Bourbon
Rua Cândido Lopes, 102 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Eric Gozlan
Avenida Cândido Hartmann - Curitiba PR
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Nova Geração Ar Condicionados
Rua Desembargador Cid Campelo, 3645 - Cidade Industrial - Curitiba PR
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Avenida Presidente Kennedy, 4121 - Curitiba PR
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