Maison Barigui
Rua Tobias de Macedo Junior, 1036 - Santo Inácio - Curitiba PR
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Rua Domingos Gulin, 533 - Butiatuvinha - Curitiba PR
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Restaurante Spaghetto
Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 1302 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Mytravel And Cash
Rua Henrique Mehl, 667 - Uberaba - Curitiba PR
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Assados e Perdidos
Rua Mexico, 915 - Bacacheri - Curitiba PR
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Cervejaria Asgard
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 3388 - Rebouças - Curitiba PR
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Restaurante Olé
Rua Gutemberg, 152 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Brayham Kabelos
Avenida Silva Jardim, 3773 - Água Verde - Curitiba PR
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Kim Chi Korean Food
Rua Mateus Leme, 969 - Centro Cívico - Curitiba PR
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Curitiba Viagens
Rua José de Oliveira Franco, 1820 - Bairro Alto - Curitiba PR
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Ripas e Costelas Churrascarias
Rua Doutor Raul Carneiro Filho, 284 - Água Verde - Curitiba PR
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Centro Europeu / AIMEC
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 1700 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Boteco do Brimo
Rua Vinte e Quatro de Maio, 1781 - Rebouças - Curitiba PR
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Bossa Nova Bar
Rua Senador Xavier da Silva, 210 - Centro Cívico - Curitiba PR
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Restaurante Aldeia das Flores
Avenida Comendador Franco, 4401 - Uberaba - Curitiba PR
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Mineira Gostosa
Rua Mateus Leme, 491 - Centro Cívico - Curitiba PR
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Churrascaria do Darci
Rua Albano Reis, 1289 - Bom Retiro - Curitiba PR
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Mangiare Felice
Rua Augusto Severo, 961 - Alto da Glória - Curitiba PR
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Gec Artes - Canecas Personalizadas e Presentes Personalizados em Curitiba
Rua Alberto de Oliveira, 308 - Bairro Alto - Curitiba PR
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Casa di Bel@
Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 432 - Mercês - Curitiba PR
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KF Grill
Rua Major Heitor Guimarães, 946 - Campina do Siqueira - Curitiba PR
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Rabo de Peixe
Avenida Presidente Getúlio Vargas, 1939 - Água Verde - Curitiba PR
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Rua Vinte e Um de Abril, 551 - Alto da Rua XV - Curitiba PR
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Napolitana Arena
Rua Buenos Aires, 1260 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Restaurante Paraguassu
Rua Machado de Assis, 525 - Juvevê - Curitiba PR
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Restaurante Armazém Santo Antônio
Rua Solimões, 344 - São Francisco - Curitiba PR
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Chaminé II - A Velha Cozinha
Rua Francisco Scremin, 290 - Ahú - Curitiba PR
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Lizon Curitiba Hotel
Avenida Sete de Setembro, 2246 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Ritz Café
Rua Comendador Araújo, 489 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Centro Europeu
Alameda Princesa Izabel, 1300 - Bigorrilho - Curitiba PR
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Churrascaria Espeto Dourado
Rua Domingos Strapasson, 100 - Santa Felicidade - Curitiba PR
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Pizzeria Troppo Presto
Rua Augusto Severo, 961 - Centro Cívico - Curitiba PR
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Hotel Deville Rayon
Rua Visconde de Nacar, 1424 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Rua Manoel Eufrásio, 637 - Juvevê - Curitiba PR
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Smart Café
Rua Comendador Araújo, 499 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Silk & Screen Camisetas Personalizadas
Rua Luiz França, 1463 - Cajuru - Curitiba PR
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Palmier Restaurante
Alameda Princesa Izabel, 1664 - Bigorrilho - Curitiba PR
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Bistro Le Parigot
Alameda Presidente Taunay, 70 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Di Tarugo Grill
Avenida Vicente Machado, 560 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Dom Victório Pizzaria
Rua José de Oliveira Franco, 694 - Bairro Alto - Curitiba PR
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Dom Mariano Churrascaria
Avenida Comendador Franco, 4097 - Uberaba - Curitiba PR
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Pizzaria Moderna
Rua Fatima Bark, 843 - Capão Raso - Curitiba PR
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Rua Francisco Derosso, 1804 - Xaxim - Curitiba PR
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Restaurante Imperial da China
Rua Fernando Amaro, 508 - Alto da Rua XV - Curitiba PR
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Bar do Pedro (Comida de Boteco e Snooker Bar do Pedro
Rua Aracaju, 830 - Cajuru - Curitiba PR
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Waldo American Bar
Rua Fernando Simas, 1330 - Mercês - Curitiba PR
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Don Marchello Pizzaria
Rua José Merhy, 1595 - Boa Vista - Curitiba PR
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The Gourmet Pizza
Rua Rio Grande do Sul, 504 - Água Verde - Curitiba PR
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Desentupidora Hugo Lange 41 3053-2412
Praça Maria Philomena de Luca Mondrone, 964 - Hugo Lange - Curitiba PR
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Mestre Lule
Rua Julia Wanderley, 83 - Mercês - Curitiba PR
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