Nova Curitiba Imóveis
Rua João Falarz, 925 - Orleans - Curitiba PR
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Aba Imóveis
Rua Martin Afonso, 363 - São Francisco - Curitiba PR
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RH Center
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 3673 - Rebouças - Curitiba PR
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Motel Merengue
Rua Irmã Maria Lucia Roland, 126 - Hauer - Curitiba PR
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Galeteria Caxias
Rua Professor João Kochaki, 35 - Jardim das Américas - Curitiba PR
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Box Escapamento
Avenida João Gualberto, 1809 - Alto da Glória - Curitiba PR
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Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 2300 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Loja Marques
Avenida Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 5735 - Hauer - Curitiba PR
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Amanda Marzalek
Curitiba PR
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Mecânica 116
Rua Pastor Manoel Virgínio de Souza, 1457 - Capão da Imbuia - Curitiba PR
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Rei da Pizza
Rua Professor João Mazzarotto, 325 - Capão Raso - Curitiba PR
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Orpec Engenharia
Rua Reinaldino Schaffemberg de Quadros, 945 - Alto da Rua XV - Curitiba PR
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Consultório Médico Dr Wanderlei Saraiva Madruga
Rua Martin Afonso, 643 - Mercês - Curitiba PR
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Quatro Patas Banho e Tosa
Rua Professor João Mazzarotto, 461 - Capão Raso - Curitiba PR
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Juveve Tintas
Avenida João Gualberto, 1839 - Alto da Glória - Curitiba PR
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Via Uno
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 2300 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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All Copy Comércio de Materiais para Escritorio
Rua Chile, 1335 - Rebouças - Curitiba PR
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Rua Professor Algacyr Munhoz Mader, 1925 - Cidade Industrial - Curitiba PR
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Alarmes Spyder
Rua Francisco Derosso, 2001 - Xaxim - Curitiba PR
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Anna Caçambas e Terraplanagem
Rua Gra Nicco, 295 - Mossunguê - Curitiba PR
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Carolina Mehl e Larissa Schnekenberg Arquitetas
Curitiba PR
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Canil Golden Curitiba
Curitiba PR
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Floricultura João Gualberto
Avenida João Gualberto, 1895 - Alto da Glória - Curitiba PR
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Tok & Estilo
Avenida Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 9850 - Boqueirão - Curitiba PR
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Dambrosi Aparas e Embalagens
Rua Arthur Martins Franco, 1430 - Cidade Industrial - Curitiba PR
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Caixa Eletrônico Banco Real ABN
Avenida João Gualberto, 1946 - Alto da Glória - Curitiba PR
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Caixa Mágica Fotografia Infantil
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 2798 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Danielle Arte
Rua Martin Afonso, 1299 - Bigorrilho - Curitiba PR
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UTI Curitiba
Avenida João Gualberto, 1946 - Alto da Glória - Curitiba PR
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Fiorin Representações
Rua Itamarati, 42 - Guabirotuba - Curitiba PR
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Ambiental Persianas
Rua Martin Afonso, 2075 - Bigorrilho - Curitiba PR
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EGA Imóveis
Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 400 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Clínica Paciornik
Rua Lourenço Pinto, 65 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Prontocar Auto Center
Rua Martin Afonso, 2459 - Bigorrilho - Curitiba PR
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Viccenza Jóias
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 2300 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Avenida Cândido Hartmann, 1199 - Mercês - Curitiba PR
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Condomínio Conjunto Comercial e Residencial Leonis
Avenida José Gulin, 10 - Bacacheri - Curitiba PR
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Motel Cherry
Rua das Carmelitas, 1580 - Boqueirão - Curitiba PR
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Pavin Comunicação visual
Avenida Nossa Senhora da Luz, 51 - Bacacheri - Curitiba PR
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Farmácia Jango Farma
Avenida José Gulin, 40 - Bacacheri - Curitiba PR
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Rua Professor João Soares Barcelos, 59 - Hauer - Curitiba PR
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Cozinhe Fácil Carnes Frutas e Verduras
Rua Dom João Braga, 22 - Vista Alegre - Curitiba PR
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Comércio de Carnes Pantheon
Rua João Negrão, 1872 - Rebouças - Curitiba PR
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Esphera Arquitetura
Curitiba PR
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Sevencar Multimarcas
Rua Professor João Soares Barcelos, 116 - Hauer - Curitiba PR
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Avenida José Gulin, 1560 - Bacacheri - Curitiba PR
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Bigolin Materiais de Construção
Avenida Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 5952 - Hauer - Curitiba PR
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JCR Mecânica
Rua Martin Afonso, 3121 - Bigorrilho - Curitiba PR
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Btow - Brazilians To The World
Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 1630 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Companhia da Dança
Avenida Winston Churchill, 936 - Capão Raso - Curitiba PR
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