Confecções Juvevê
Rua Rocha Pombo, 795 - Juvevê - Curitiba PR
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Toca da Moda
Avenida República Argentina, 5259 - Novo Mundo - Curitiba PR
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Avenida República Argentina, 5259 - Novo Mundo - Curitiba PR
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Toque de Carinho
Avenida República Argentina, 5259 - Novo Mundo - Curitiba PR
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Interativa Soluções em Impressão
Rua Buenos Aires, 1373 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Vitrine Modas
Avenida República Argentina, 5259 - Novo Mundo - Curitiba PR
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Gisele Modas
Avenida Monteiro Tourinho, 140 - Bacacheri - Curitiba PR
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Rua Comendador Araújo, 731 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Les Paxa Pizzaria
Avenida Nossa Senhora Aparecida, 1698 - Seminário - Curitiba PR
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Avenida Cândido de Abreu, 127 - Centro Cívico - Curitiba PR
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Gio Loungewear
Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 517 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Prata Nobre
Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 517 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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JLV Watch
Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 517 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Alameda Doutor Carlos de Carvalho, 1577 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 517 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Goa Store
Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 517 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Perfeito Equilíbrio
Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 517 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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The Camden Club
Rua Amazonas, 2753 - Água Verde - Curitiba PR
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Side Walk
Rua Professor Pedro Viriato P. Souza, 600 - Campina do Siqueira - Curitiba PR
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Scrappin UP
Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 517 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Scala Sem Costura
Avenida Cândido de Abreu, 127 - Centro Cívico - Curitiba PR
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Kopp Representacoes, Industria E Comercio Ltda
Rua Padre Anchieta, 2310 - Mercês - Curitiba PR
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Chef Vergé
Avenida Cândido de Abreu, 127 - Centro Cívico - Curitiba PR
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Buffet Julia Cristina
Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 255 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Hotel Master Express
Rua Francisco Torres, 285 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Gallery Feminina
Avenida Cândido de Abreu, 127 - Centro Cívico - Curitiba PR
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Tabacaria Del Fuego
Avenida Presidente Kennedy, 4121 - Portão - Curitiba PR
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Leclair Cosméticos
Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 517 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Armazém das Fábricas
Alameda Dom Pedro II, 552 - Batel - Curitiba PR
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Gebrasa Online
Curitiba PR
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Avenida Cândido de Abreu, 127 - Centro Cívico - Curitiba PR
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Baked Potato
Rua Professor Pedro Viriato P. Souza, 600 - Campina do Siqueira - Curitiba PR
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SantoMé Bar e Restaurante
Rua Desembargador Clotário Portugal, 269 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Veneza Lanches
Rua Marechal Deodoro, 630 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Avenida Cândido de Abreu, 127 - Centro Cívico - Curitiba PR
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Rua Francisco Derosso, 4090 - Xaxim - Curitiba PR
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Suave Sabor Bistrô
Rua Marechal Deodoro, 630 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Puppy & Co The Pet Store
Rua Professor Pedro Viriato P. Souza, 600 - Campina do Siqueira - Curitiba PR
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Cic Doces E Embalagens Ltda
Rua Ildefonso Correia Fontana, 91 - Cidade Industrial - Curitiba PR
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Avenida Cândido de Abreu, 127 - Centro Cívico - Curitiba PR
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Rua Marechal Deodoro, 630 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Filé & Fritas
Rua Marechal Deodoro, 630 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Puma Store
Rua Professor Pedro Viriato P. Souza, 600 - Campina do Siqueira - Curitiba PR
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Empório Bettin
Rua Marechal Deodoro, 630 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Pirandelo Calçados
Rua Marechal Deodoro, 630 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Rua Professor Pedro Viriato P. Souza, 600 - Campina do Siqueira - Curitiba PR
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One Feet Shoes
Rua Marechal Deodoro, 630 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Casa Ling
Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 253 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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By Tennis
Avenida Sete de Setembro, 2775 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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Economia New
Rua Pedro Ivo, 268 - Centro - Curitiba PR
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